Counseling For Women In Alabama.
Are you having a hard time figuring out life and your place in this world? Are you torn between what you desire and the expectations of others?
Do any of the following resonate with you?
You feel that you are stuck in life and can’t determine what your next move should be.
You constantly relive things that happened to you in the past.
You have been unable to forgive and move forward from your past.
Your interpersonal relationships are a full on shit-show.
You have been unable to heal from the loss of a loved one or a failed relationship.
You struggle with setting boundaries and sticking to them.
You struggle in social settings or with maintaining friendships
You struggle to find balance in between your reality and your spirituality or you feel judged or condemned by your belief system.
You are struggling with your identity, sexuality or femininity.
You struggle with insecurities, self-esteem or confidence issues.
You worry excessively about things you cannot control.
You find difficulty managing the stress of your job.
You have tried, cried and prayed about it, but nothing seems to work.
More than 1 in 5 women in the United States struggle with some form of a mental health condition within the last year. There are many issues that impact the lives of women across a lifespan. Some of these issues are specifically related to the female experience and others may effect all genders. Regardless, women may experience things differently. The impact that women’s issues can have on our daily functioning and overall well-being may require a need for therapy. The good news is that through education, awareness and therapy, these issues can be addressed and worked through to give women a better quality of life.
Therapy can help you find meaning in life and help you to put the pieces of your life back together.
It is possible to heal from past hurts and traumas and live the life you desire to live. You can live a life that is not controlled by stress, anxiety and an inability to see yourself as the amazing person that you are.
We use an integrated approach in my work because we recognize that there is no one size fits all method to resolving life’s concerns. In therapy with us, you will have an individualized treatment plan that meets your specific needs. we work really well with individuals who are ready to see a change in their lives and are willing to take the necessary steps to achieve that change.
Sexual Assault/Abuse
Hypersensitivity/ Uncontrollable Emotions
Trust Issues
Religion Issues/ Church Hurt
Life Transitions
Relationship Difficulties/ Infidelity
Family Conflict
Life direction/ adjustment disorders
Communication Skills
Boundaries/ Standards
Anger Management
Emotion Regulation