Maternal Mental Health.
Are you a mom who who struggles with self-care and loving yourself well? Have you loss touch with your sense of self after having children? Have you become so focused on your children that you forget to take care of yourself? Do you struggle with mom guilt and the difficulties of balancing everything on your plate?
Do any of the following resonate with you?
You worry excessively about things that are beyond your control or things that you cannot figure out how to manage.
You feel helpless, hopeless and tired.
You struggle with setting appropriate boundaries or parenting issues.
You struggle to manage the stressors of life, while trying to fit a one hundred item to do list into a 24 hour day.
You feel like your children are driving you completely insane.
You find yourself comparing your life and the life of your children to that of other moms.
You struggle with self-image, identity issues or issues related to religion.
You feel like you have tried everything and nothing you have done has improved your quality of life.
You are stressed as a result of your child’s behavioral issues.
You struggle with feeling like you are doing a good job as a mom.
You find yourself inflicting your past hurts and trauma onto your children.
Your interpersonal relationships are not going too well.
You have no life outside of your children.
You struggle with setting boundaries with family members, as it relates to raising your children.
As moms we go through so many life challenges and often find ourselves in positions where we just have to suck it up and keep moving. We often know that we are operating from an unhealthy place, but our busy mom lives hinder us from being able to properly heal and take care of ourselves. Therapy can help you address the issues that prevent you from being the best version of yourself and the best mom that you can be.
Many of the issues that are experienced by moms are also experienced by others, however, moms tend to be faced with every day issues of life and mental health, while also being primarily or largely responsible for the lives of little or young people. Many moms report having a harder time overcoming personal issues and not being able to focus on their own self-care, due to feeling obligated to be everything for everyone else, and leaving no time for themselves. As moms, we understand this experience all too well, and had to work through many of these types of issues myself. In therapy, we can help you to put the necessary attention on yourself so that you can be the BOSS of your own life, ultimately helping you be better for everyone that you encounter, including your children.
Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal mental health refers to a woman's mental health from the time of conception, during pregnancy and the postpartum period. There are many challenges that women may face during and after pregnancy. Stress, Anxiety and depression are among the most common issues experienced by moms with perinatal mental health concerns. 15 to 20% of moms experience significant symptoms of anxiety and depression during and after child-birth.
Issues related to traumatic birth experiences, unplanned pregnancy, self-esteem/confidence, excessive worrying, Fear of the unknown, lack of rest, lack of a support system, loss of a child, adoption, and body image, struggles with family or family dynamics are all issues that may warrant a need for therapy.
If you are experiencing issues related to perinatal mental health, click the button below to schedule your free 15min. Consultation. Lets work together to get you to a better place so that you can be the best version of yourself for you and your child(ren).
Sometimes moms just need extra support. You don’t have to journey through motherhood alone. Schedule a consultation today to discuss how therapy may be good for you as you embrace this journey.
Oddesty K’s Story
I had a fairly easy pregnancy. It was mostly happy times. I was able to workout consistently, keep most food down and I had tons of support from family and friends even though most of it was from a distance due to living in different states/areas. I began to deal with increased anxiety the closer I got to my due date, but I had a history of dealing with anxiety and depression and as a mental health therapist, I felt like all would be fine, right!?
It wasn’t until I had my baby that things really got rough. After family and friends returned to their normal lives and were unable to be physically present for me, my new reality really sunk in. The depression hit and the anxiety peaked, yet I still woke up every day and I learned to be a mom because I had to.
During that time I had great difficulty finding a therapist in my area who was able to help me, but I knew the therapist needed therapy. I reached out to my already established therapist, even though she was not trained in Perinatal mental health, because something was better than nothing.
Her along with continued support from my family and ultimately using my own research and knowledge was what helped me to get through it. On the other side of it, I decided that I wanted to do whatever I could to receive the proper training to help women struggling just like I was.
If you are dealing with anxiety, depression or other perinatal mental health concerns or are in need of an additional support person, to help you get through this time, I’m here to help. Contact us today to get started.